The main purpose of this report is to summarize the ongoing OSH situations and statistics, national policy and action plan for OSH development of the country, as well as to facilitate mechanisms such as OSH laws, OSH organizations, OSH personnel, and relevant projects. This report will serve necessary OSH information as the baseline for the development of policy, planning, measures and directions adopted to enhance OSH for all workers.
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The Government of Thailand has recognized the importance of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) issues in its National Agenda “Decent Safety and Health for Workers”, making the reduction of preventable occupational accidents and illnesses a development target. To provide directions for the development of OSH in Thailand, the 3rd OSH Master Plan was developed together with important strategies and action plan. It is necessary to continually mobilize collaboration among relevant parties including both public and private sectors, so as to enhance safety and health at work for our valuable resources – workers in all sectors – while working towards national development.
The Department of Labour Protection and Welfare (DLPW), as the main government
authority to drive the above-mentioned National Agenda, therefore published this report on “National Profile on Occupational Safety and Health of Thailand, 2012”. The main purpose was
to summarize the ongoing OSH situations and statistics, national policy and action plan for OSH development of the country, as well as to facilitate mechanisms such as OSH laws, OSH organizations, OSH personnel, and relevant projects. This report will serve necessary OSH information as the baseline for the development of policy, planning, measures and directions adopted to enhance OSH for all workers.