Apply for the Affordable Care Act for Transmitter Control Code (TCC)

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurance companies, self-insured companies, and large businesses and businesses that provide health insurance to their employees must submit information returns to the IRS reporting on individual’s health insurance coverage. The electronic-filing threshold for information returns has been decreased to 10 or more returns. After January 1, 2024, you are required to file electronically if submitting 10 or more information returns.

The following can use the AIR System to electronically file ACA information returns to the IRS:

The ACA information returns include:

Step 1: Register to use IRS e-Services tools and apply for your ACA application for Transmitter Control Code (TCC)

The IRS requires an account to access e-Services and other online services

E-Services transitioned the AIR Production application to a modernized sign-in system that requires users to register and sign in with to access the e-Services suite of online applications. is an account created, maintained, and secured by a technology provider.

Software developers, transmitters, and issuers must have a TCC to electronically file AIR Forms 1094/1095-B and 1094/1095-C.

To register and apply, visit the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Services and use the ACA Application for TCC option.

Step 2: Pass all applicable test scenarios

You must pass all applicable test scenarios. This will help ensure you can communicate with the IRS before you submit information returns through the AIR system.